Preparing for Your Psychic Medium Reading

Understanding Spirit Mediumship

  • What Is Spirit Mediumship?: Spirit mediumship is a unique practice where a medium, like myself, serves as a bridge between the living and the spirits of other realms. It's about receiving and translating messages from the spirit world to provide guidance, comfort, and closure.

We’ll be tuning Into the Cosmic Frequency

  • Real Connection Over Drama: Forget the dramatic portrayals you've seen in movies and TV shows. Real spirit mediumship is about genuine, heartfelt connections, not scripted theatrics or spooky effects.

  • Authenticity Is Key: Our focus is on real, unscripted communication. This means tapping into the soul's language and the subtle energies beyond words. It's about a true exchange of energies, heart to heart.

  • Distance Doesn't Matter: Don't worry about the physical distance. Our connection goes beyond that, operating on a divine, universal frequency that links all energies.

What to Expect in a Session

  • The Nature of Communication: Messages from the spirit world can come in different forms — feelings, images, words, or sensations, depending on who is communicating and how the medium receives information.

  • A Personal Journey: Each session is unique, reflecting your own life, questions, and the spirits who choose to communicate.

Preparing for Your Session

  • Setting Intentions: Think about what you hope to gain from the session. Are you seeking guidance, healing, closure, or just an open conversation with the spirit world?

  • Creating a Sacred Space: If we're connecting remotely, prepare a quiet, comfortable spot where you can focus without distractions. This space becomes your sanctuary for the session.

During the Session

  • Be Open and Present: Enter the session with an open heart and mind. Be present in the moment, letting go of expectations about how the communication should unfold.

  • Engage Actively: Feel free to ask questions and express your feelings. This is a dynamic exchange; your participation is a valuable part of the process.

  • Bring Your Questions: Come with any and all questions. This is your time to explore, discover, and understand. All queries are encouraged and welcome.

After the Session

  • Reflecting on the Experience: Take some time after the session to journal or ponder the messages received. This helps in understanding and integrating the insights.

  • Processing Emotions: It's normal to experience a range of emotions. Allow yourself space and time to process these feelings.

Embracing Open-mindedness

  • Expect the Unexpected: Spirit communication is often surprising. Be open to messages that might come in unexpected ways or from unexpected sources.

  • Journey of Discovery: Each session is a step in your ongoing journey of personal and spiritual growth. Embrace it with curiosity and openness.

Ready for Your Psychic Medium Reading?

  • It's more than a session; it's a celebration of connection, discovery, and the unseen bonds that tie us all together.


